Imagining Ourselves

A Self Love and Self Portrait Workshop

This workshop is a series of creative prompts and reflections that allow us to reimagine our own image, deconstruct harmful narratives, and appreciate ourselves through art. We receive so many messages about what is and isn’t worth documenting when it comes to our bodies, so this is about writing new stories. This is about allowing ourselves to be the art that we are.

1 hr & 30 min
Sliding Scale tickets available, $10-$25
Next Workshop Date: April 11, 2-3:30pm EST

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Workshop Details

Who this workshop is for-

This workshop is for you if -
* You’ve noticed critical thoughts about your appearance and want to try interrupting them in new ways
* You’re an artist
* You don’t consider yourself to be an artist
* Self portraiture is intriguing to you but the aforementioned critical thoughts always get in the way
* Self portraiture is easy for you and you’re curious about getting back to basics from a new perspective
* You’re a human who is learning how to be gentle with yourself

What this workshop is-

* A series of meditations, journal prompts, and art prompts that ask you to try viewing yourself with love, via Zoom
* An invitation to be messy and in process with all of this work
* A chance to build community with folks who are untangling similar things

What this workshop isn't-

* An emphasis on outcome or creating a final product
* A direct, traditional approach to self portraiture
* Mandatory participation in activities that don’t feel good for you - you don’t have to have your video on or share if you don’t want to
* Intended/able to replace professional and/or clinical therapeutic help. Sarah Rose is not a licensed therapist.

Participant Testimonials

""Sarah's warmth and generosity radiates throughout her workshops, cultivating a low-pressure environment where creative healing can thrive."

"This workshop was a safe space for people from all different experience levels to practice self-portraiture and reimagine what a portrait can mean or look like!"

"Truly such a gift to pause and create and do some introspection."

"It was nice to spend some time drawing different images of myself, and I will take a more playful sense of self with me today."